Children's Picture Book
4-7 years
Price: $19.99 NZD
Published by AM Publishing New Zealand
Kōwhai Kids is Marion’s fifth book in her Nature Book Series.
It has been recommended in 'The Better Start Literacy Approach’ study being conducted for the Ministry of Education by the University of Canterbury.
Spring has arrived!
The kōwhai girls are ablaze with delight,
The boys full of mischief and fun.
The birds appear flashing their wings.
But wait …
Why does kererū annoy tūī?
And what do the kōwhai kids
want other kids to know?
Kōwhai Kids is a creative non-fiction children’s picture book and the fifth in Marion’s successful nature series. Beautifully illustrated by New Zealand wildlife illustrator Anna Evans, children can learn about our native kōwhai through the eyes of its flowers. The kōwhai kids banter and play amongst the branches of their tree. They receive visitors – some scary some friendly – but they’d really like other children to learn about their special tree. Kōwhai Kids begins with an info page and ends with a guide on how to grow a kōwhai tree.
Have a look what others say about my book:
NZ Book Lovers Booksellers New Zealand Kiwi ReviewsMarion won the Rural Women's New Zealand National Short Story Competition - Present category. Her story will appear in the 2025 RWZZ Centennial Book, available in bookshops when published. Wellington City Libraries has chosen Pakupaku Pīwakawaka to have its pages transformed into billboards for a nature trail in one of Wellington's central parks. WCL works with the city's Parks, Sports, and Recreation staff on a project called Te Ara Pukapuka (Book Pathways). The billboards will be placed throughout nature trails and reserve pathways in Wellington for tamariki and their whānau to discover while exploring the region.
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